Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The SMRT Cabby
Late for work, what's new?
Took a cab, as usual.
This one was really nice. He charged me only $10 instead of what's shown on the meter, which came to be almost $12. It wasn't a lot, but it certainly made my day. :D
Labels: everyday, taxi
Posted by LiTTle-FooT at 1:58 AM with 0
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Importance of Objectives
A meeting without an agenda is likely gonna be a waste of your time as you go around in circles, deviate from what's important and get sidetracked once too many. I never saw the importance of objectives or why we had to set one in the first place. Weren't rules made to be broken? Fortunately (or unfortunately), I've come to recognise the beauty of the bombastic word called OBJECTIVES.
Lamenting over lunch session, children who have "When I grow up, I want to be a...". The kids who didn't dream, didn't set goals and didn't know what they wanted to do are now in a kind of a dilema. What exactly is it that I want to do? What do I want to accomplish? Many of these questions are simply put in a black box with no answers and perhaps left to fate? Do you really want to do the same old crap in brand new shit? The same old shit is probably warmer and smells nicer? That was a joke a friend cracked.
Responsibilities come with committment. What is my objective of it all? What is your objective? How will the objective be met? Have you met them? I think I should stop being soft-hearted. It is truly a case of self improvement and self discovery through experience.
Posted by LiTTle-FooT at 1:24 AM with 0
Sunday, November 05, 2006
La Marche de L'Empereur (Luc Jacquet)
I love animals, all creatures big and small. Did anyone know that? Finally got to catch March of the Penguins. Truly, a remarkable story about a life so precious and fragile, the ardous journey of bringing just one single chick to this world.
Emperor penguins live where most other creatures flee. It takes a good 9 months to get baby penguins.And the remainder 3 Summer months are spent in the Ocean. When the sun and moon meets halfway, Penguins walk for 10 days to a safe place (w/o food) to meet and dance for each other, find a partner, mate. Keep up or be left behind and condemned. The winter months are long and harsh with blizzard storms and dark. Penguins huddle together for strength, warmth and encouragement. The male and the female have only a single goal, to defend the precious life nested under downy feathers.
3 months passes, Mum has egg under her downy feathers, getting hungrier by the day. Dad takes over the following months until Mum returns. Clumsy penguins accidentally break the egg in the process, Egg freezes. Game over.
Mum travels 10 days to where she came from, in search for food and to bring food back in time for the little one so that the famished father can relinquish his responsibility and hunt for food. Some, never make it back. A snap from the Sealion takes 2 lives, the mother and the chick, who will never be fed. If Mum didn't return in time, Chick would be abandoned.
Chick is born in Spring. They are cold and need food. Some never made it. They died from the cold and hunger. Soon, Chick is strong enough to be out from under Mum. But rejoice not, for there is Bird. Penguins seek solace in numbers but the unfortunate chick is taken away. Dad returns. It is summer. Family gathers a last time before returning back to the sea for the next 3 Summer months. Next Winter, they will return to this place again. Cycle continues.
Nature works in wonderful ways, yet at the same time, cruel. But such is the way of the world and a survival of the fittest. What is love? A love of the emperor penguins, is truly remarkable.
Labels: documentary
Posted by LiTTle-FooT at 2:45 AM with 0